training like professional players

Special Trainings logo

Elite training program for defensemen heading towards the NHL draft or a professional contract

  • An event focused on gaining new information and skills for the specialized position of forward
  • Always only for 12 selected talents.

Special Trainings is an advanced training program focused on the development of hockey players who want to approach the level of junior and professional hockey. This program offers not only technical improvement, but also a clear vision of how a player can differentiate themselves and specialize in their role on the team.

In today's hockey, it is difficult to make a name for yourself with universal skills alone. If you already have a chosen position and want to move your game to a higher level and give yourself a chance for your hockey future, then it is essential to master specialized principles and skills for a specific position. If you were worried about how to develop further, you don't have to anymore. We will show you everything you need for your rapid progress and a completely different understanding of the game, so that you become indispensable for your team. Let's go..

specialized training for defenders

The training program focuses on the key skills needed for the defenseman position. By mastering these principles, you significantly increase your chances of succeeding in professional hockey in the future.

personal feedback with video analysis

Each player receives detailed video feedback. We analyze their game, identify key areas for improvement, and show how these aspects will take their performance to the next level.

Recommendations for personal development

In cooperation with the coaches, players not only receive recommendations on how to improve further, but also a specific direction in which to develop their playing style. We consult on which role in the team the players are best suited for

Become a key player for your club

trAINING program:


  • 1-on-1 play
    player transition using the defender's axis
  • board play
    changes of direction, open and closed board positions
  • play without the puck
    preparing a position before a shot or pass
  • goal-area movement
    correct screening, pointing, finishing
  • power play basics
    individual skills necessary for power play

DEfensive part 

  • principles of defensive positioning
    role in the defensive system
  • forks and slowing down the opponent
    active pressure on the opponent after losing the puck
  • recovering the puck
    possibilities of recovering the puck without fouls
  • blocking shots
    correct principles of effective shot blocking
  • principles of weakening
    active work with the stick and correct positioning


  • preparing the body and hand position before the shot
    skating against the puck, using the flex of the stick
  • shot from the slot
    short wrist, hip movement
  • shot from the drive
    surprising shot thanks to the work of the eyes and wrist
  • changing the angle of the shot
    two-touch finishing when shooting from an angle
  • power-play finishing variants
    shot over the hand, after the hand, fake shot

How be a part of selection?

  • Either send us your training or match video
    (send videos to

  • Or come and test your skills at our training (call or write in advance).

    → We will evaluate everything and contact you for further steps.

  • +420 775 909 027
    Po-Pá | 11:00-17:00 h.
    Odpovíme do 24 hodin.

Přehráním videa souhlasíte se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů YouTube.

Zjistit vícePovolit video

Přehráním videa souhlasíte se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů YouTube.

Zjistit vícePovolit video

price for event / forward

4500 Kč (€180 )


  • Trainings led by certified LZ Hockey coaches

DAY 1.

  • 1x training on ice - special forwards
    training od specialized forward's skills
  • 1x training on ice (together with defenders)
    game situation
  • 1x off ice training
    working with your body
  • Video-meeting - special forwards
    Analysis and comparing with game situation

DAY 2.

  • 1x training on ice - special forwards
    training od specialized forward's skills
  • Game
    Bringing new information into the game
  • evaluation and feedback
    Movement analysis, role recommendations to advance into professional hockey



  • 24.-25.5. | Plzeň
  • 21.-22.6. | Plzeň

How be a part of selection?

  • Either send us your training or match video
    (send videos to

  • Or come and test your skills at our training (call or write in advance).

    → We will evaluate everything and contact you for further steps.

  • +420 775 909 027
    Po-Pá | 11:00-17:00 h.
    Odpovíme do 24 hodin.

Elite club

Profesionální útočníci, kteří se připravují na sezonu pomocí specializovaných tréninků v LZ Hockey 

NHL Chicago, Buffalo a Edmonton

Silver medail Olympic games

player of  IHFK Helsinky

39 games in Czech national team

2022 captain national team CZE U20

DRAFT #48 2020 Montreal Canadiens