National games

29.-30. june 2024

for Europeans team


The LZ Hockey ice hockey school can be proud of rich experience and modern facilities for training ice hockey players. In 2022, we achieved significant success as three of our players were drafted into the NHL + Pavel Francouz wotn the Stanley cup. In addition, we managed to create the successful LZ FOX Team project, which demonstrated  skills on a tour in Sweden, where defeat several local teams.


1 day

Directions to Pilsen and check-in at the hotel

Dinner and introduction to the LZ Fox trainer team at the hotel

2 day


Dry training 1 hour

Ice hockey training 1 hour

Lunch Ice hockey training 1 hour

Techmania Science Center


3rd day


Ice hockey training 1 hour


Game against local club

Video analysis

Visit Holoubkov LZ Hockey Skills Centre


4th day


Boxing training 1 hour

Ice hockey training 1 hour


Pilsner Urquell brewery tour


5th day


Check out from the hotel

Game against local club



690 €
Price for player
4 x nights in 3 stars hotel/ 4 x lunch/ 2 x off ice training (Box training) / 4 x on ice training/ 2 x match vs local team/ Visit LZ Hockey skills center, with raut and meeting about hockey development/ Brewery tour
450 €
Price for parents
4 x nights in 3 stars hotel/ 4 x lunch/ 2 x off ice training (Box training) / 4 x on ice training/ 2 x match vs local team/ Visit LZ Hockey skills center, with raut and meeting about hockey development/ Brewery tour

+ Bonus

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Visiting LZ Skill Center

We will visit The LZ Skill center in Holoubkov, 20 km from Pilsen. You will see special environment for player development, we introduce our training program and show you demonstration training. You can look forward to banquet as well.

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Analysis of the game

We make for every player analysis how to use all of your skills more effective during the game. You can take a look analysis of one of our PRO player Jan Mysak, who was drafted by Montreal Canadiens and now play in AHL. 

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Where our tour will take you

The Pilsner Urquell brewery offers tours, which will impress beer fans and history lovers. You will view the original locations where the famous Pilsner Urquell beer was born 180 years ago, and whose story continues even today. You will learn about the ingredients from which Pilsner Urquell beer is brewed. We will also show you the heart of the brewery, three brew houses from different centuries. The culmination of the tour is a tasting of unfiltered Pilsner Urquell beer in the historical cellars.